Personalized Custom Homes, Interior Remodel Auburn AL

Michael Allen Homes Inc.

We are a custom Home Builder based in Auburn, Alabama, was recently recognized as Lee County’s best Home Builder for the 10th consecutive year.  The owner, Michael Allen Monk, working together with a team of custom home building professionals, is dedicated to creating homes & relationships deserving of this recognition.  We welcome you to experience custom home building as it was meant to be.

Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist
Being CAPS certified helps us help our clients make the right choices, and it gives more security when designing your custom home.

Of course, every builder aims to build to the client’s specific tastes and desires, though undoubtedly the builder’s style will show through to some degree. My personal preference is to build homes versus houses. Houses are built to show where homes are built to live.

While we strive to achieve each goal, every client we build for is a little different. Most people enter into the building process with some level of anxiety and apprehension. It’s a time of excitement but also of caution allowing your minds to play all the possible “what if” scenarios you can imagine. We’ll use our personalized touch to make sure you’re comfortable.

Our aim every day is to reward your trust by making every decision with your best interest at heart – especially when no one is watching. Whether it be the process by which your home is built, the individuals working to build the home, the materials being used, or the money being spent – every decision is made with the client in mind.

Our goal during the building process for each client is to ensure they enjoy the process.  But more importantly, we aim for our client to fully understand and believe that we really do have your best interest at heart.

We at Michael Allen Homes do our best to invigorate and improve the local community. We focus our work to where we live – the Auburn/Opelika area(s) of Alabama. Only then can we truly help our neighbors.

We want you to be happy with your home, pleased with the process, and feel like you’ve received great value for your investment – To reach that point where the client says “I trust you, do what you think is best”.

Our Work

Contact Us

Address: 853 North Dean Road, Suite 101 Auburn, AL 36830
Phone: +1 334-559-2408

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